September Newsletter

We would like to give a warm welcome back to all MKDA dancers & families, and wishing all NEW MKDA dancers a fantastic 1st year as part of this great big family! We are thrilled to welcome everyone in our happy place where all dancers feel included, welcomed and free to be themselves.
Our season begins on Monday, September 9th! ————- Cheers to 20 years!!
We have had to bring a few changes to the schedule, therefore please make sure to visit the website to view the updated schedule – Revision #3 is written on the top of the schedule:
We encourage you to look on our website to see the faces of the talented and skilled teachers we have on staff this season:
We also want to introduce our assistants who will be helping with the younger groups:
-Alexa Roussel -Sophie Carrier
-Kylee Desilets -Kailyn Fortin
-Emily Carrière -Harlow Killins
-Kalli Lavigne-Passaw -Carter Chalmers
We encourage you to visit our website to find out what attire/shoes is needed for your child’s class: Simply click on the rectangle that says ‘’Dance wear requirements’’. Stefanie, from The Trophy Shoppe, also has a copy of our dance wear requirements. You can visit
The Trophy Shoppe for all your dance wear needs, located at 21 Father Costello Drive in Schumacher: 705-264-3444.
By the time we start our season, Melissa will only be starting her 5th week post-operation, therefore her mobility will be limited and certainly not 100%. It is a 6-8 week recovery, therefore Melissa will be modifying how she teaches for the first couple of weeks. We ask for your patience as proper recovery time is needed for any surgery.
As we did last year, MKDA teachers are involved and volunteering their time for Timmins & District Hospital fundraiser called ‘’Dancing With The Docs’’ to be held at The Dante Club on Thursday, October 24th. We are always proud to be active members of this community and giving our time for this event is very important to us. Since the event itself and dress rehearsal are during the week, we will be cancelling classes on the following two days (please mark your calendars):
Wednesday, October 23rd (All of Melissa & Julie’s classes) Thursday, October 24th (Melissa’s classes only)
**IMPORTANT: Ms. Cristy’s classes will NOT be cancelled on Thursday, October 24th
There will be no set office hours during the year. If you require assistance from our office administrator, Julie Prévost, you can contact her by email to make arrangements to meet: Julie is quick & efficient at responding to emails.
Julie will be in the office during the first week of Term 1 (September 10th, 12th & 14th) to make sure everyone has a smooth beginning and to answer any questions.
Our beloved Shane Lebrun will continue to keep all dancers & families safe! For all new families: Shane is our security guard and you will see him at the studio on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
We have two spacious observation areas at MKDA and we encourage parents to watch classes from time to time. However, observing class is a privilege and we ask parents to keep noise and distractions to a minimum while watching class.
Furthermore, if a dancer has a ‘’break’’ during their dance night, they CANNOT be left unsupervised. If our security guard sees a dancer that is unsupervised during their break, he will advise the teacher and the teacher will call the parent.
We encourage all parents to read our MKDA policies from our website and familiarize yourself with page 3
Start of dance season: Monday, September 9th, 2024
Thanksgiving: Studio is closed from October 12th-14th. Classes resume on October 15th.
Dancing With The Docs Fundraiser: No classes on Wednesday, October 23rd or Thursday, October 24th.
Ms. Cristy’s classes are NOT cancelled on October 24th.
Halloween: No classes on Halloween night (Thursday, October 31st).
Santa Claus Parade: Saturday, November 23rd. MKDA dancers always participate!
Last day of Term 1: Saturday, December 7th.
First day of Term 2: Monday, January 13th, 2025
Family Long Weekend: Studio is closed from February 15th-17th.
Classes resume on Tuesday, Feb. 18th.
March Break: Studio is closed from March 10th-15th. Classes resume on Monday, March 17th.
Regular Dance Classes end on: Saturday, March 22nd.
Stage Rehearsals begin on: Sunday, March 23rd at École secondaire catholique Thériault auditorium.
Dance Pictures: March 29th & 30th at MKDA Studio A.
Dress Rehearsals: Tuesday, April 1st & Wednesday, April 2nd at Thériault auditorium.
Recital 2025: Friday, April 4th at 7:00pm (Senior Show) Saturday, April 5th at 1:00pm (Full Show) Sunday, April 6th at 1:00pm (Full Show)
MKDA Year-End Banquet: Thursday, May 1st at The Dante Club.
Check out the dance convention coming to Timmins on Saturday, October 26th at the Senator Hotel! We encourage our dancers to register